Thursday, April 5, 2012

Letting Go of Our Stones

As we celebrate Easter this season, let us not forget that it is not about the bunnies, eggs and chocolates. Let's remember the ultimate gift of love & sacrifice that our Savior, Jesus Christ, paid for us on the cross for our sins.  Not only do we reflect on His death for our freedom, but we REJOICE because our Redeemer LIVES!  I think many times we (including myself) celebrate the "season" of Easter as a holiday, but we forget to rejoice and celebrate that our lives are daily gifts of Easter. What struggle are you facing today?...what sickness are you dealing with?...what sorrow do you weep over today?...what doubts & fears are hindering you?  These things in our lives have become "stones" that we hold onto and fail to let go of. The same power of God that made the stone roll away at the tomb where Jesus lay (Mark 16) is the same power that can move the "stones" in our daily lives! Remember, Jesus not only died for our sins....He also died for our pain, sickness, sorrows, and struggles. Does this mean that all the hurt and pain of life circumstances goes away?  Not at all. We won't be completely whole until we are living in Heaven with Him, but as we truly grasp His love & power over our lives and grow into a deeper relationship with God, we come to learn new perspectives, see healings, realize the strength that we have to live with confidence and joy, and realize that our life is so much more than the here and now. "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." -Romans 8:37

Jesus has already gone before us and has won these battles that we are facing! Isn't that exciting & awesome!!!  All we need to do is trust in Him, let go of our "stones" and then His grace becomes the "wheatgrass" (fuel & energy) for our life. Isaiah 43:19 says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  As we celebrate the beauty of this spring season, let's learn, listen and rejoice that God is doing new things in our lives every day! He is moving "stones" all around us! 

If you are struggling with "stones" in your life and don't understand how to let go of them or you're just going through a very difficult time right now, don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to chat with you, pray with you and walk this journey with you. :) 


  1. Tara, this is really beautiful! Thanks for sharing- I didn't know you had a blog!! :)


  2. Thanks, Jen! I don't keep up with it as often as I would like. I could learn some tips from you...I'm always wanting to learn ways to make it better and promote it more. Enjoy your weekend! ;)
